Hey, I'm Omar

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About Me

about me picture

A new grad from UofT Computer Engineering. I enjoy engineering work on pretty much any computer system, though I am more passionate with lower level systems like hardware architecture, firmware, etc. I have paid experience as a cloud engineer intern and as a research assistant for a robotics lab with SickKids. Outside of work, I've won multiple hackathons and awards.

2 years of work experience
10+ projects


Technical Skills


Software Renderer, ComeNGo GIS, MoodLights


Server & Client, minimax, Terminator on DE1-SoC


Research (MEDCVR), Video Games


HERON CLI, SHA256, Compression


School Projects

ARM Assembly

School projects


I wonder how this website was made...




Unity 3D

Research (MEDCVR), Video Games


MATLAB isn't an actual programming language


How does one write C without valgrind??

Blender 3D

Animations, 3D Modelling

Adobe Cloud

Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro



BASc in Electrical & Computer Engineering

University of Toronto
Sept 2019 - June 2024

Cloud Engineer Intern

Red Hat, Inc.
May 2022 - Aug 2023

Research Assistant

Medical Computer Vision & Robotics
July 2021 - Nov 2021

Software Developer & Researcher

UofT Aerospace Team
June 2021 - Nov 2021

VIA Rail Website Redesign

Left Turn Right Turn Ltd.
Jan 2020 - Apr 2020
= paid experience


most recent work (needs to be updated)

Surgical Simulator

Part of my research @ UofT with MEDCVR. Using the Material Point Method to simulate softbodies, we are working on a simulation in Unity that will allow surgeons to simulate surgeries.

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3D Software Renderer

This is a software renderer pipelined entirely in the CPU that can render meshes in the Windows console. This does not use any graphics APIs, and is built from the ground up using linear algebra.

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My team and I built a Geographic Information System (something similar to Google Maps) from the ground up. I used the A* algorithm to find the fastest route for travellers, and I used a variation of a greedy algorithm to find an adequate solution to the travelling salesman problem.

some other work

Mood Lights
Smart Lamp

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Mood Lights - A smart lamp

Our winning project, Mood Lights, is a smart Light-controlled Mood Ambient Device that is designed to reduce stress by using light patterns. It has different modes including weather mode, relaxing animations, notifications, etc. It allows you to control it by using Google Home's Voice Commands.

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(Game & AI)

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Reversi (Game and AI)

Reversi is a classic board game played on an 8x8 board. I used many different types of data structures to store game data and I used recursion and other techniques to calculate game states and legal moves. I also used the minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning to choose the best possible move based on a set of heuristic measures.

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Terminator on a

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Terminator on a DE1-SoC FPGA

We created a game inspired by The Terminator by writing to the pixel buffer on a DE1-SoC. Users input their commands via the PS/2 controller.

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the rest of my recent public work & contributions can be found on my github

Contact Me

feel free to reach out if you have any questions, whether it's about your own career or opportunities you think I'd be a fit for :)


Toronto ON, Canada
(plz don't come to my house)